More Political Hypocrisy – The Sad Tale of Senator Jeff Merkley

Our campaign against political hypocrisy continues.  This has become a full-time avocation.  The latest sad entry comes from Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley, one of the key architects of the November, 2013 change to the Senate filibuster rules.  It seems that Senator Merkley, a strong proponent of eliminating the filibuster, has become the filibuster’s greatest champion.  It took less than four years, and a change in the party of the presidency, for this remarkable turnaround.  It’s another example of why faith in our political leaders is at an all-time low.  When will anyone – anyone – stand up on consistent principles?  It’s more political hypocrisy.

The principled Senator Merkley has a deep and enduring respect for his Constitutional responsibilities.  So, according to Senator Merkley, should the filibuster be available to the minority side in the Senate?  Well of course not – except when “we” are the minority.  All of which somehow allows him to claim the moral high ground when it comes to U.S. Supreme Court nominations.  Is there more political hypocrisy here?  You be the judge. Continue reading “More Political Hypocrisy – The Sad Tale of Senator Jeff Merkley”

French Outsider Presidential Candidates Get Boost From Scandal – Risks to EU Grow

A scandal in the French presidential election campaign involving the integrity of the leading candidate is feeding directly into the growing popular distrust of the political class.  The new developments, centered on Republican party front-runner Francois Fillon, cast an ominous cloud over the hopes for a win by the mainstream candidate.  It has ratcheted-up the unpredictability of the election outcome.  It increases the possibility of a win by the outsider presidential candidates, far-right Front National candidate Marine Le Pen and newcomer Emmanuel Macron.  Continue reading “French Outsider Presidential Candidates Get Boost From Scandal – Risks to EU Grow”

Trump’s Supreme Court Strategy – The Game is On

President Trump has apparently whittled his Supreme Court nominee down to three.  Thomas Hardiman, William Pryor, and Thomas Hardiman are each Federal appellate court judges who are well regarded in conservative circles. But what will be Trump’s Supreme Court strategy? Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer has laid down the gauntlet to President Trump: “If the nominee is not bipartisan and mainstream, we will absolutely keep the seat open.”  Further, “we are not going to make it easy for them to pick a Supreme Court justice” he said previously.  “It’s hard for me to imagine” Democrats supporting any nomination submitted by President Trump.  With the filibuster rule in place, at least for now, how will President Trump elect to play this nomination game? Continue reading “Trump’s Supreme Court Strategy – The Game is On”

Does Populism Lead to Hitler – Pope Francis Thinks it Might

Pope Francis believes that growing populism threatens global stability.   His fear, which seems to be widely echoed, is that populism will lead to irrationality. In turn, irrationality will lead to the election of another Hitler.  Is he right? Should we fear populism?  Did it previously lead to the election of Adolf Hitler? In today’s world does populism lead to Hitler? Continue reading “Does Populism Lead to Hitler – Pope Francis Thinks it Might”

Was The Election Result Illegitimate? More Political Hypocrisy

It has been a remarkable, perhaps unprecedented, year in American politics.  Rancor, if not outright fear and hatred, prevails.  Half-truths, mis-truths, name calling and a litany of much worse.  A centerpiece of this blog is that those who would lead can only lead with integrity.  So we have taken up the tasks of identifying and exposing political hypocrisy. We have written about it here and now focus on it again with Donald Trump days away from the Presidency.  The context here is the simple question, was the election result illegitimate?

The Third Presidential Debate and the Threat to Democracy

We recall the famous remark during the third Presidential debate. It sparked furious claims that the foundations of our democracy were being jeopardized.

Election result illegitimate
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Debate

[Chris Wallace]: Will you absolutely accept the results of this election?

[Donald Trump]: I will look at it at the time.

And then came Mrs. Clinton’s equally famous reply:

That is not the way our democracy works.  [The United States has been] around for 240 years.  We’ve had free and fair elections.  We’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them.  And that is what must be expected [from a Presidential candidate].

Mr. Trump’s comment was claimed to be monumental.  Some called it “a stunning moment that has never been seen in the weeks before a modern presidential election.”  Mr. Trump’s position was so bad that it “threatens to cast doubt on one of the fundamental principles of American politics – the peaceful, undisputed transfer of power from one president to a successor who is recognized as legitimate after winning an election.”

So here we are after the election and, guess what?  We have a challenge to our democracy – but this time from the losing Democratic side that had not expected to lose. Continue reading “Was The Election Result Illegitimate? More Political Hypocrisy”

A Debate on the REINS Act – The Future of the Administrative State

Should Congress Pass The REINS Act?

A series of proposals centered on regulatory reform are squarely in the cross-hairs on Capital Hill.  This includes the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act (the “REINS Act”).  Long-brewing concerns about over-regulation, law-making, lack of accountability, rule-making abuses, waivers and more are driving lawmakers as they consider a variety of proposals.  The over-riding consideration is this: over the past 80-plus years a major transformation in the structure of the federal government has occurred at the most basic constitutional level.  There has been a continuing transfer of power from the legislative branch to the executive branch of government.  This transformation has occurred without the passage of a single Constitutional amendment.

Reins Act

The REINS Act is the subject of the following debate.  The REINS Act recently passed in the House and now awaits Senate consideration.  The general goal of the REINS Act is to allow Congress to re-gain direct oversight of the regulatory process. Continue reading “A Debate on the REINS Act – The Future of the Administrative State”