Senator McCaskill Succumbs – Like Her Colleagues, She Is Unable to Elevate Principle Above Politics

We’ve ordered one fresh copy of “Profiles in Courage” for U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill.  Her political analysis regarding the Gorsuch confirmation process is spot-on.  She understands the larger war within which the Gorsuch nomination is a small (yes, small) battle.  No doubt Senator McCaskill is capable of understanding and articulating the key principal from the Democrats’ perspective.  But in the weakest tradition of partisanship, she sacrificed the major principles for the minor one. Senator McCaskill succumbs to partisanship.

She is a willing co-conspirator in the Democrats’ theft of the advise and consent responsibility from a long history of bipartisan respect.  She, and most Senate Democrats, act as if political warfare is and should be the norm.  We won’t review the history of Supreme Court nominations, other than to note that this is the first (and only) time in American history that a nominee is the victim of a solely partisan filibuster.  Shame, shame, shame.

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