American Leadership in the World – Lessons from Obama, Bush and JFK

The preservation of the American Constitution and American freedom is the paramount duty of any American President.  American foreign policy is the mechanism through which these goals are prosecuted.  American leadership is the means through which American goals are accomplished.  The challenge for each president is to take the measure of his times, learn from the mistakes of the past, and foster and apply policies that are most likely to enhance the probability of achieving these objectives.

American Leadership: The U.S. Constitution
The Constitution

Too often over the course of American history presidents have misunderstood their times.  They have either drawn the wrong lessons from the past or failed to understand the mistakes made by their predecessors.  The recent past contains a pair of guiding lessons.

American Leadership:  A Lesson from George W. Bush

In the aftermath of the attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush determined to illustrate to the world that America would use its strength and power against any foe that it believed was a direct and immediate threat to American freedom and survival.  But with this objective, his decision to invade Iraq became a stark example of a failure to apply lessons previously learned. Continue reading “American Leadership in the World – Lessons from Obama, Bush and JFK”