Republicans Beware! There’s a Russian Political Witch Hunt and You’re It.

McCarthyism is not dead.  Now it’s called the Putin-scare.  Republicans beware.  If any of you spoke with a representative of Putin’s government at any time during or since the presidential election cycle, you’d better tell us now. We will find out anyway.  And in either case, we know you and Putin are coordinating efforts to undermine our government.  You’re a Putin lackey even if you just thought about meeting with anyone who was ever associated with the Russian government.  Because we’ll find that out too. If you can just point to Russia on the map, well that’s enough; turn yourself in.  Anyone wearing red – we know what that means.  Reds fans, and we don’t mean from Cincinnati, will all wind up on the gallows.  We’ll be photographing anyone attending Red Sox opening day, too.

We’re gonna convene hearings.  Lots and lots of hearings.  And it’s going to go on for at least the next four years; maybe eight if that red party is still in the White House.  We’ll be on every corner and in every alley.  You know we are recording every conversation everywhere in the country. We’ve got a program for that too.

Republicans Beware!

Republicans beware!  We’re better at this than you think.  We’ve gotten rid of Flynn.  Boy was that easy!  We’ve got Sessions out of the way.  All we had to do there was check his appointments log.  That was easy too.  That Sessions, he’s not too bright.  Imagine, a brief conversation with the Russian ambassador after leaving a podium.  Yes, perhaps there were a few other ambassadors around, and Sessions may have spoken with them too.  But that doesn’t matter!  He spoke to that Russian in public, of all things.  God only know where this trail leads!

Republicans Beware
Russian Ambassador (spy!) Kislyak

Yes, we know that the Washington Post is telling us that this Russian ambassador “shows up everywhere and tries to talk to everyone.”  We know that’s what diplomats do.  But this guys a spy!  Why the heck would the Post tell us that this Ambassador Kislyak “is not considered especially close to Russian President Vladimir Putin”?  That’s really not helpful, you know.  The Post wouldn’t even stop there.  They brought up the old “current and former U.S. officials” telling us stuff, that “[f]or Kislyak to have sought contacts with . . . Flynn and . . . Sessions . . .should come as no surprise.”  Memo to the Post – please stop printing that kind of stuff!

And it would be better if ex-Obama people like Michael McFaul wouldn’t make comments like this: “[The Russian Ambassador] doesn’t get as much credit as he should, in my view, for being savvy about developing relationships with people all over [Washington].”  Geez, McFaul was Obama’s guy in Russia.  Somebody better tell him, no more interviews until we’re finished.

McFaul, pay attention.  We need more guys out there like Obama’s ex-CIA director John McLaughlin.  He got the memo.  Take a listen to his comment that “it does strain credibility” that Sessions could’ve forgotten meeting with Kislyak.  After all, Kislyak is “a hard guy to forget if you’ve met him.”  Now that’s more like it!

Republicans beware!  Better fess up now, you Russian sympathizers.  Turn in your Senate keys.  Turn in your Congressional keys.  And most certainly turn in your White House keys.  We’re gonna get all of you.  And don’t forget.  We are everywhere.  We’re trolling every website and every blog . . .

Presidential Candidates Tax Returns: Is Forced Disclosure A Good Idea?

Should presidential candidates be required to disclose their federal income tax returns?  A recent push comes from Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a critic of President Trump, with the latest Congressional effort to require candidates to do just that.  But is forced disclosure of candidates tax returns a good idea?  On balance, we think not.  Tax returns are poorly equipped to inform the public regarding legitimate issues involving a candidate’s qualifications for the presidency.  Furthermore, the informative value of tax return data is outweighed by its inflammatory impact.  We explain. Continue reading “Presidential Candidates Tax Returns: Is Forced Disclosure A Good Idea?”

It’s Time that NATO Nations Keep Their Commitments – American Taxpayers Should End Their Subsidy

When we make a promise, our integrity is on the line.  A man is no more than his word, right?  Especially when the promise made is part of a mutual agreement.  We promise to do X and you promise to do Y.  And if we don’t live up to our promise, then we lack honor and integrity.  If you then insist that we honor our promise and we refuse, well then our virtue is further diminished.  We demean ourselves.  All of which brings us to the President of the European Union, Jean-Claude Juncker.  It’s time that NATO nations keep their defense spending commitments.  Instead, President Juncker insists that American taxpayers foot the bill.  And go into further debt to do so.

Time that NATO Nations
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker

Continue reading “It’s Time that NATO Nations Keep Their Commitments – American Taxpayers Should End Their Subsidy”

No Illicit Relationship Between President Trump and the Russian Government – Here’s the Analysis

There is enough information in the public domain to conclude, with a high degree of confidence, that there is no illicit relationship between President Trump and the Russian government.  Similarly, there is very likely no relationship of any consequence between associates of the President and the Russian government.  We now believe that political motivations and agendas drove these suspicions.  These suspicions are not supported by facts.

We examine in detail the bases for these critical conclusions.  We review the events surrounding the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hacking affair, the major arrests inside of Russian intelligence and what those arrests tell us, and the circumstances surrounding U.S. intelligence and Michael Flynn.  It’s a long story to tell, but it leads to a critical conclusion contrary to the oft-repeated claim of an untoward relationship between the President and the Russians.  It’s a story that screams for further analysis.

Here’s what we can piece together so far regarding any possible illicit relationship between President Trump and the Russian government. Continue reading “No Illicit Relationship Between President Trump and the Russian Government – Here’s the Analysis”

Impeach President Trump, So Says Congresswoman Waters – But There’s the Constitution…

That didn’t take long. It’s time to impeach President Trump.  So says California Congresswoman Maxine Waters.  She is ready for articles of impeachment barely three weeks into his presidency.  Now we may or may not be fans of the President.  Staying faithful to the rules of our blog, we take no side on this one.  At least not yet.  But Congresswoman Waters does a disservice to herself, her constituents, and the country, with talk of impeachment.  There is no constitutional basis for it.  The Congresswoman would do well to bury herself in the constitution that she took an oath to uphold.

Impeach President Trump
Maxine Waters

So we will take a look at the impeachable offenses, according to Congresswoman Waters.  We see four possible counts, according to the Congresswoman.  And we also turn to the Constitution, and history, for a little guidance on what’s required to impeach a president.  Is Ms. Waters right? It is already time to impeach President Trump?

Continue reading “Impeach President Trump, So Says Congresswoman Waters – But There’s the Constitution…”

New Immigration Executive Order From President Trump, and the Many Flaws in the Ninth Circuit’s Ruling

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on the Trump immigration order (the “Trump Order“) is flawed on several levels.  The court’s analysis is shockingly poor and disturbing for a variety of reasons.  We do not reach this conclusion because we agree with the Trump Order, for we take no position on it.  Rather, the court’s ruling would set dangerous precedents, particularly regarding a president’s power to act quickly to protect the country.  At the least, the key parts of the ruling addressing (or failing to address) constitutional issues for non-resident aliens will likely not survive the Supreme Court.  But the court’s ruling makes clear at least one thing.  The Trump Order was poorly drafted.  President Trump will likely soon follow with a new immigration executive order, if he truly believes national security requires it.

We briefly look at the what and why of a new order.  Then we provide a detailed review of the numerous flaws in the Ninth Circuit’s analysis. Continue reading “New Immigration Executive Order From President Trump, and the Many Flaws in the Ninth Circuit’s Ruling”

Judge Gorsuch’s Path to Confirmation is Open – His Fate is in His Own Hands

The road for Supreme Court confirmation for Judge Neil Gorsuch is clear. The likelihood of Democrats using the filibuster to prevent a vote on Judge Gorsuch is diminishing.  There are now three avenues towards confirmation, and the first and easiest (an actual direct vote) is becoming more probable.  Judge Gorsuch’s path to confirmation thus appears wide open.  His fate is likely in his own hands.  He will have to successfully navigate the waters of the Senate hearing process, which no doubt will be hazardous – but the way is open.

Judge Gorsuch's Path
Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch

Let’s take a look at the three available roads to confirmation, and why it is highly probable Judge Gorsuch will have his vote. Continue reading “Judge Gorsuch’s Path to Confirmation is Open – His Fate is in His Own Hands”

Judge Gorsuch is His Own Man – His Criticism of Trump Proves It

Democrats wondered aloud, and loudly, whether Judge Neil Gorsuch was independent of President Trump. Well we now know that, indeed, Judge Gorsuch is his own man.  Just three days ago a Washington Post story styled “Trump Blasts at Judge Raise Questions for Gorsuch on Independence” highlighted Democrats doubts.  Democrats, the Post stated, challenged Judge Gorsuch “on an important but elusive issue.  Is Gorsuch independent enough, they ask, to stand up to the president who picked him?”  Today we received the most reassuring, and gratifying, answer.  Judge Gorsuch is independent.  He can think for himself and is beholden to no one.  He is no lackey to President Trump. Continue reading “Judge Gorsuch is His Own Man – His Criticism of Trump Proves It”

Democrats Supreme Court Blueprint – Avoid Nuclear War

The Democrats Supreme Court blueprint for the Neil Gorsuch fight is evolving.  And it must. Democrats must cool off from the first weeks of the Trump presidency or they risk stumbling into a disaster.  They must focus dispassionately on their long-game.  And there’s a very important long-game to be played, with very serious consequences to the Democrats and their agenda if they play it wrong.

The Republicans Will Not Allow the Court’s Ideological Balance to Shift

The Court’s composition with Justice Scalia was reasonably divided.  Four progressives, four “conservatives,” and one swing vote.  His death opened a seat on the conservatives side.  His replacement with another conservative justice does not alter the Court’s balance.  The Republicans will not tolerate a shift. Continue reading “Democrats Supreme Court Blueprint – Avoid Nuclear War”

Sally Yates Violated Her Duties – A Poor Reflection on the Justice Department

The hubbub about former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates’ heroic or un-heroic stand ignores the central issues raised by her conduct.  Let’s be unpolitical and as impartial as possible, and take a hard look at what happened here.  Let’s ignore that she is a Democrat and that the President is a Republican.  None of that matters.   The conduct of the Attorney General of the United States, whether acting or otherwise, must be beyond all reproach.  In our view, what occurred here is one of the lowest moments in the history of the Department of Justice of the United States.  Sally Yates violated her duties.  We explain. Continue reading “Sally Yates Violated Her Duties – A Poor Reflection on the Justice Department”